July 2014 Wrap Up


It’s been a fantastic reading month!

  • House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (5/5) – this is beyond words. My 2014 best read so far *2 thumbs up*
  • Ruins by Dan Wells (4/5) – satisfying finale for one of my favourite sci-fi/post apocalyptic YA series
  • Lola and the Boy next Door by Stephanie Perkins (3/5) – different from Anna and the French Kiss, but cute
  • The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (5/5) – a gem! The writing was just mesmerizing =)
  • Un Lun Dun by China Mieville (5/5) – fun and entertaining from beginning to end!

(Ebooks, not included in image above)

  • Deception by C.J. Redwine (4/5) – intense. surprisingly emotional. I’d go as far to say that this sequel is one of the most mature YA reads out there
  • Magic Gifts by Ilona Andrews (3/5) – my Kate Daniels fever kind of tapered down a bit after this one. I love the myth, though
  • The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade (4/5) – something light and funny. Right up my alley!
  • On Her Watch by Rie Warren (4/5) – I liked Liz Grant’s POV better than Cannon from In His Command


The thing I love the most about my books last July is this: It was a mix of genres (YA and others) and a mix of book formats (printed and ebooks). It only means that seven months after I made my reading resolution, I am adhering to it without any effort at all. =) Aja!

It’s already August 2nd here in Manila, and of course, my daily thought is that, it’s one more month until the “ber” months. Heh. I’m such a kid. Getting excited for Christmas as early as now.

Happy weekend, everyone!

June 2014 Wrap Up

You want to know why I haven’t posted anything for four weeks?

Two words.



There’s no stopping because it was impossible. I just need to keep reading. Kind of like when I read Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series last year. I had no social life for two weeks back then, so now with Kate Daniels, it was for a month!

I breezed through books 1-5. I also went through Curran’s POV collection (I think there was 5-7 e-novellas). There’s also 2 other e-novellas that I read, Magic Mourns and Magic Dreams. I was so out of there, in magic-filled Atlanta!

So yeah. It was not about me being lazy to blog, I just did not bother to even think of reviewing my finished books. There’s only reading, and reading for me. Ah, Curran. =)

I am on page 50-ish in Gone by Michael Grant. I think I need to sit that one down for one hour or two, so I can finish it. And soon.

Kate Daniels is one badass chick! Have you tried this Urban Fantasy series?

2014 Reading Goals and Resolutions


image from we heart it

This year, I will read:

  1. The unabridged Les Miserables
  2. ASoIaF series until A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast
  3. Sequels of my favorite series (Croak, Unwind, The Assassin’s Curse, to name a few)
  4. Read and finish Chronicles of Narnia series (a complete set has been sitting on my shelf for 2 years now)
  5. More recommended reads from my friends
  6. Books gifted to me
  7. More printed books than eBooks (Illium II will have to take a back seat)
  8. Less YA (and I really, really hope this works)
  9. More books outside YA genre
  10. And collect printed books ONLY for series/trilogy/companion/etc.

This is my major checklist. Quite manageable, yeah? 🙂


image from we heart it

Here’s to more fun experiences with you in reading this 2014… CHEERS!


Elated: Best Reads of 2013

image from we heart it

image from we heart it

Hello! Let’s go straight to my list, shall we?

BEST OF 2013

  1. THE HISTORY OF LOVE by Nicole Krauss. I am in love with this book! *starry eyes*
  2. THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE HER by Junot Diaz. Stunning. 😉
  3. A STORM OF SWORDS by George R.R. Martin. Collossal ending, as in, hands down!
  4. ORIGIN by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  5. TALL STORY by Candy Gourlay
  6. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SAY YOU LOVE ME by Sarra Manning


  1. ELEANOR & PARK by Rainbow Rowell. Park! Definite swoon material, you guys.
  2. THESE BROKEN STARS by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
  3. GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn
  4. THE LOST GIRL by Sangu Mandanna. Beautiful, beautiful writing.
  5. THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak. Oh, the heartache.


  1. SHADES OF GRAY by Brooke McKinley. This is a M/M romance so yeah, surprise!
  2. 84, CHARING CROSS ROAD by Helene Hanff
  3. THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  4. GILEAD by Marilynne Robinson. My biggest surprise, true.
  5. FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury


  1. ALLEGIANT by Veronica Roth. Appalling. Don’t even get me started (ranting) again.
  2. SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson
  3. THE SECRET OF ELLA AND MICHA by Jessica Sorensen
  4. UNTEACHABLE by Leah Raeder
  5. SCHOOL SPIRITS by Rachel Hawkins. And I so loved the Hex Hall series…! But this one? Ack.


  1. WORLD AFTER by Susan Ee. Pooky Bear!
  2. SCARLET by Marissa Meyer. Wolf!
  3. SPARK by Amy Kathleen Ryan. I think this series is underrated. How can anyone miss its awesomeness? *clueless*
  4. DARK TRIUMPH by Robin LaFevers
  5. CROWN OF MIDNIGHT by Sarah J. Maas. Chaol Westfall!
  6. QUICKSILVER by R.J. Anderson
  7. ASHEN WINTER by Mike Mullin
  8. FRAGMENTS by Dan Wells. Samm!
  9. EONA by Allison Goodman. Lord Ido!
  10. A MILLION SUNS by Beth Revis


  1. KINSLAYER by Jay Kristoff
  2. GAME by Barry Lyga
  3. THE EVOLUTION OF MARA DYER by Michelle Hodkin. Epic fail in the end. Grrr.


  1. HORDE by Ann Aguirre. Triumphant ending for a trilogy I loved so dearly. Undoubtedly surpasses all books in this list!
  2. CHAMPION by Marie Lu
  3. INTO THE STILL BLUE by Veronica Rossi
  4. BOUNDLESS by Cynthia Hand
  5. REACHED by Ally Condie


  1. ALLEGIANT by Veronica Roth
  2. ICON OF THE INDECISIVE by Mina V. Esguerra. This one almost top Allegiant with its ridiculous ending. Almost.
  3. REQUIEM by Lauren Oliver. Such high hopes I have for this one 😦 but no.


  1. FEVER Series by Karen Marie Moning. Hello sleepless nights and emotional hangover. But Barrons… whoa!
  2. BLOOD OF EDEN Series by Julie Kagawa 

It was a very good reading year for me. 125 books read out of 52 books set for 2013 🙂 and only a few that I rated 1-2 stars. Happy, happy time, I might say. How’s your 2013 reading?

image from we heart it

image from we heart it


Elated: Changes (and the exciting 3-0)


image from we heart it

change. transitive verb

: to make different in some particular : ALTER


This is a birthday wish list.

But as I enter a new phase (century?) in my life, let me tell you the little changes that I realized has been going on for the past few months or so.

  1. I rarely check my social media sites anymore. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yes even Goodreads.
  2. I did not use my plastic for any purchases last month, even to buy a book.
  3. I think (I really think!) that I can handle rejection (or alienation) from a friend (or friends) better now.
  4. I am willing to be submissive to an argument, because I realized not every conflict is a battle worth fighting for.

image from we heart it

change. transitive verb

: to make radically different : TRANSFORM

Oprah once said that everyday, you have to list 5 things that you are grateful for.

I used to do this, because during those times when we barely have anything, it pays to be thankful of things (and poeple) that you have.

So here’s my 5 things:

  1. I am thankful that my parents are still alive and healthy.
  2. I am thankful that my 3 year-old son is growing up as a kind and happy boy.
  3. I am thankful that for those friends I lost through the years, new ones came in, and I believe they are here to stay.
  4. I am thankful that even years after college, I enjoy studying again.
  5. I am thankful that after five years of marriage, my best friend with benefits is still making me happy, growing up with me, and very supportive of my wants (travel, books, food!).

image from we heart it

*deep breath*

I am turning 30 this month… and I am still excited over it! A friend told me that as people get older, birthdays tend to be more ordinary, boring. Me? I don’t believe that! I am even planning my celebration for the whole month of October. =)

My birthday wish list is here, wish being the operative word.

Oh, I can get them all by myself. But why bother, when it’s more fun when the people who cares about me are the ones doing the giving? Ha!


On music,

Beatles 25 Greatest Hits in iTunes, Nickelback’s So Far Away, Better than Ezra’s A Lifetime, Jason Mraz’ I Won’t Give Up.


Nickelback_All the right reasons




On food,

Trail Mix, Pretzels,  and Tea bags!



On quirkiness,

Post-It Notes and Tape Flags.

image from Quilting along the grain Blog

image from Quilting along the grain Blog

tape flags


On extremes,

A tattoo. 😀



What, no books on my wishlist?

Believe me, none at all!

I have a book shelf full of TBR books, so nope.

(But I do not turn away books if you’d like to give me one, hihi.)


Hi friend,

the best gift you can ever give this birthday girl?

Spend time with me this October. =)

Interactive Cover and Video: More Than This by Patrick Ness

To view the interactive cover, click here.

Two weeks from now, More Than This will be released. And I am not excited… Not exactly true. Ha! See, I got an ARC of this latest Patrick Ness book. I was excited then. But now… knowing how Ness got me all crying and moping after reading his Chaos Walking series, I am scared to read his latest work. What if I cried all over again, huh? 😦

Oh well. I am a huge Patrick Ness fan, so tears or not, I will brave More Than This! *fingers crossed*

The interactive cover was so cool! Ness released it on his social media streams, and it features an exclusive video from him about this book. So go check it out, alright? Also, do not forget to visit Patrick Ness Facebook fan page here!


July Wrap Up

July was a pretty slow yet progressing reading month for me. Apart from me not having much of a social life (due to a diploma program), and not posting much on my blog (due to laziness to write anything), I think last month was actually laid back, and realizing it now, I liked how it turned out. =)

And yet..

I have 18 pending book reviews to write (again). Poor bloggy (again). Haha!


Free 2013 Calendar Printables at Little Bitty Design Studio

[Thank you!]

6 – July reads

1 – 5 stars (This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz)

3 – 4 stars

1 – 3 stars

1 – 2 stars (Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson)


^ I find the story unconventional for my taste but I really, really loved it. 🙂

Dark Triumph and The Lost Girl are both emotion-wrecking books 😦 84, Charing Cross Road is adorable (to borrow the words of one reader who commented on my review). The Madman’s Daughter should have been monumental (darn that love triangle). Speak – I do not want to talk about it (pun intended).

I need to catch up on my dystopia reading, as I have read only 2 out of 10 that I promised earlier this year to read. So I hope August will help me on that.

One more month before the “BER” months roll! Oh, I admit it, I am excited. 😀

Book Signing Event: Kiera Cass in Manila


Let me get this out:

I am not a Kiera Cass fan (at least not yet, for I have the least intention of reading her books, sorry). But, considering the scarcity of YA Authors visiting Manila (despite its booming industry elsewhere), I will come to show my support.

That, and my good friend Janus is overly excited for this author of a dystopian series called The Selection. Erm, she’s excited to have her books signed, to be specific. =)


to my fellow Filipino readers and lurkers of my humble blog:

Are you interested? *winks*

It would be a chance to meet other YA book lovers as well!

You can reach me in Goodreads if you want to come with us.

Trust me, it is always fun to gush about books with fellow readers. 😀



Right, I am getting sidetracked. Ha!

If you are shy, don’t be. I won’t bite (maybe Janus will, lol).

Let’s support YA authors coming in the Philippines by joining this event!



April Wrap Up

April… what a dismal reading month. But maybe I’m being too hard on myself. It was the lowest book read count I had since… I don’t know, November last year?

I listened to 2 audiobooks, Gilead and The History of Love. Both have amazing stories, but I loved the latter more. *heavy heavy sigh* Such heartbreak, such blinding hope. I think I found a book that i will book-push to my friends. 🙂

I have 6 pending book reviews to write (again). Poor bloggy.


Free 2013 Calendar Printables at Little Bitty Design Studio

[Thank you!]

6 – April reads

1 – 5 stars (The History of Love)

4 – 4 stars

1 – 3 stars

I finished The Great Gatsby yesterday and I am happy that I really liked it. Oh yes, I was aware of the drama between the characters. But the surprising affinity of Nick Carraway to Gatsby in the end was a plus. 🙂

image from weheartit

image from weheartit

May, don’t be another scorching month, okay? The heat is unbearable, and I can’t even go to the beach. Pffft.