Do you have a Kindle?

image from marie_weheartit


Did you know that I lost my Kindle 3G last December? *sniffs*
Yeah. I did. =( I was on my way home, riding a van. I stopped reading (because the motion was giving me a headache) so I put my Kindle on my lap. It must’ve slipped and dropped on the van’s floor when I fell asleep. I only realized my Kindle’s missing the day after. I did not find it anywhere near Temple (the iPad), because they usually on top of each other when both are inside my laptop bag. *sad, sad sigh*



I cried once during that night. I went hiatus on blogging and reading. I had my Kindle for two years and I just felt I got more than I paid for it. Imagine all the good times I had with him..! But I picked myself up in three days.

While I did not go shopping for a new bag, I braved the Amazon site… and bought another Kindle. Thank goodness I have money that time. And I bought the exact model and color. 😀 Well, I still have two leather covers (one with a light). It seemed like a waste to buy another model, then buying a new cover for the newer model. Besides, I thought Kindle 3G (or Keyboard) is sturdier than the new Kindle models released.

Meet and Greet Ilium II!



I decided to retain Ilium as the name of my Kindle. But since it’s my second one, I call him Ilium II. 😀 I’m using my green leather cover again, so in my mind, I did not lose my Kindle (I’m crazy, I know). It lessens the hurt, somehow. So I am a happy camper again!

image from roberta_weheartit


To my bookish friends who offered their heartfelt consolation (Haha) when I was grieving, Thank You. Only you guys can understand what I went through. Thinking about it, I lost a hundred of ebooks, right? Yeah, yeah. I hear ya. But really, thanks!


So what’s my reaction when I finally had my hands on Ilium II? I felt like doing this.

image from lauren_weheartit


24 thoughts on “Do you have a Kindle?

  1. Yayyyy to Ilium II! I feel for you and I can’t imagine losing my own Elle. That would be a tragedy! But congratulations on having a new one and I hope it will bring you the same joy as the other one you’ve lost, and more! Happy reading! SO happy for you, Maria! Cheers! 🙂

  2. That is terrible. But my question is why would you lose all your ebooks? If you bought them at you can transfer them to your new kindle. Any books under your same account. And if you need to change that account so the person who has your old kindle can’t use it then contact amazon and explain. I’m sure they would work with you.

    • Hi Jennifer, thank u for the concern. i only retrieve a handful of my ebooks from my archived items. most of my books are just not there anymore. maybe they are too old to be archived? but yes, my account was already blocked on my old Kindle. 🙂

  3. and by the way, I can feel your sadness over your old kindle because I lost my phone too this week :(. Still, I can’t help but to feel thankful because Logan is safe. I can’t also imagine losing my kindle. so there, let’s be happy together and enjoy reading!

  4. You know I can totally relate because I got myself the exact same iPhone after my first one met that unfortunate accident. Of course, that phone was just a month old but…yeah. 😀

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