Book Review: The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

RATING: StarStarStarStar

Genre: General Fiction

Challenge: Goodreads – The Filipino Group 100 Favorite Books (July read)

In 1956, Stevens, a long-serving butler at Darlington Hall, decides to take a motoring trip through the West Country. The six-day excursion becomes a journey into the past of Stevens and England, a past that takes in fascism, two world wars and an unrealised love between the butler and his housekeeper. Ishiguro’s dazzling novel is a sad and humorous love story, a meditation on the condition of modern man, nd an elegy for England at a time of acute change.

Literary Awards: Man Booker Prize (1989)


I don’t believe in Love At First Sight. Lust, maybe. But Love? Hardly. Now, why am I saying this? I picked up The Remains of the Day with little love. That’s a fact. Because Ishiguro and me are not friends, due to my utter dislike for Never Let Me Go. And yet, i made an effort to read it. Perhaps it will be different this time? I give second chances to an author’s works should I have a terrible reading experience the first time I read from that author. Take John Green, for instance. I didn’t like Looking for Alaska, but i took my time before i tried one from Green’s again. I read Paper Towns, and wow, now I am a convert.

Is it the same case with Ishiguro?… Yes. I guess Ish and I have to start all over before we became friends. And I still don’t like him even if we’re friends already (Mr. Stevens irritates me). By the time I finished The Remains… i was stupefied. i was stunned. i am in love. 🙂 Oh, Ishiguro, you sneaky b*stard.

I couldn’t care less for the musings of an old, English Butler. Much less of him reminiscing about his greatness of being a butler. So what?!! But when the scenes unfolded between him and his father, i held my breath. i held my heart until it was wrung with weariness and despair over the father-son relationship. i seethed with fury when Mr. Stevens chose to uphold his ‘dignity’ and ‘service’ as a butler instead of attending to his ailing father. He says something about impropreity. Well, you can suck it, Mr. Stevens! What an awful son you must be.

Regrets. I usually don’t have them. Why should I? Life’s too short to postpone living it. So when the final meeting of Miss Kenton and Mr. Stevens came, I was sad. I was shaking my head over Mr. Steven’s loss, but what’s done is done. I spaced out when he got his heart broken, I was still. It’s as if i was the one who lost his life over something he thought was of value: being the greatest butler to his master. Mr. Stevens, what an idiot you are.

So. In the end, i have to succumb to Ishiguro’s brilliance. Really, to have my emotions evoked so strongly in such simple situations is something of a feat. And to detest the main character but still managed to get drawn and emotional on the book, that’s one hell of storytelling.

The Remains of the Day. Man Booker Prize. Totally deserving.

Me. Reading Ishiguro for the second time. Totally worth it.

Book Review: Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar

Genre: Young Adult > Contemporary

Vera’s spent her whole life secretly in love with her best friend, Charlie Kahn. And over the years she’s kept a lot of his secrets. Even after he betrayed her. Even after he ruined everything.

So when Charlie dies in dark circumstances, Vera knows a lot more than anyone—the kids at school, his family, even the police. But will she emerge to clear his name? Does she even want to?

Literary Awards: Edgar Award Nominee, Printz Honor (2011), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2010), YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults (2011)


He was free because on the inside he was tied up in knots. He lived hard because inside he was dying. Charlie made inner conflict look delicious.

I cannot ignore the awesomeness of this book (pun intended). I really, really liked Vera. If i were to go back to my teenage years (but i hope not), I would choose to be her. Oh, the irony of it all! Hating her best friend, Charlie for being dead. Hating Charlie for leaving a mess then being dead. What a fun life you have, Vera Dietz. 🙂

I immediately fell in love with King’s writing: fluid, sarcastic, funny. The perfect combination for a screwed-up teenage girl’s voice. Nothing I didn’t love about it. I felt Vera‘s loneliness, angst, and need (for a father to be present for her). I love her eccentric father (with his hilarious flowchart diagrams!) and their dysfunctional relationship. Funny at times, hurting at most (for Vera).

Charlie Kahn is a sweet enigma. Love him, hate him. It’s weird that I found his character more solid and provocative than James since Charlie’s the dead one, and James is the current fling. I always feel forlorn when reading Charlie’s POV. His regret reaches out to me, enveloping into this cocoon that i can’t help but be bitter myself on how things turned out for him. 😦

Please Ignore Vera Dietz: one of the best contemporaries out there. You wanna know how Vera copes with her grief? Imagine her writing a note in a piece of napkin, putting it in her mouth, and swallowing it.

Lost love sucks when your best friend screwed you over long before he was dead.