Top Ten Books On My Spring 2013 TBR list

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature from The Broke and The Bookish.

Hello, there! It’s actually summer here in Manila. But what the heck, I will still list my TBR these coming months. I declare it’s springtime in my digital life! 😀






  1. Exit Kingdom by Alden Bell. [recommended by Isamlq.]
  2. Eona by Allison Goodman. [recommended by Janus.]
  3. The Essence by Kimberly Derting.
  4. Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins.
  5. Fragments by Dan Wells. [recommended by Wendy Darling.]
  6. Scorch by Gina Damico. [recommended by Wendy Darling.]
  7. Quicksilver by R.J. Anderson.
  8. Exile by Rebecca Lim.
  9. The Brides of Rollrock Island by Margo Lanagan. [recommended by Isamlq.]
  10. The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. [recommended by Janus.]






Most are sequels, you see. And some came highly recommended by my Goodreads friends. =) I can hardly ignore that, can I? I already have them lined up in Ilium II (except for The Name of the Star) and they are just BEGGING to be read. Ha!

What’s on your list? Link me up! 😀

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Books On My Spring 2013 TBR list

  1. I love the look of many of these! But haven’t read any of them. I have a copy of Partials and hopefully when I finish it I’ll want to read Fragments as much as you do!

    My TTT

  2. Fragments and The Name of the Star are on my TBR, too. It’s overwhelming how many books I want to read and when I think of how many I *will* read, lol, sadly it’s not even close! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Bree 🙂
    Coffee Bean Bookshelf

  3. I need to read The Name of the Star, too. I’ve been thinking of buying the audiobook from iTunes. It’s only 15 dollars. My library doesn’t have the audiobook, and I’ve heard it’s really good.

    Happy Spring Reading 🙂

  4. OMG I totally read Croak over the summer! I can’t believe I forgot I read that, and I had no idea the next book came out. Those books are so hilarious and creepy. My kinda read. If you really like that series, you should try reading Hold Me Closer, Necromancer if you haven’t already. Similar feeling, slightly different premise.

  5. Throwing in my votes for Eona (I assume you’ve read the first book) and The Brides of Rollrock Island! Seeing your list makes me really aware of just how many series are published each year… and how long we usually have to wait in between each installment. :/

  6. I just finished Fragments maybe a week-ish ago and I liked it even more than Partials! It’s longer so it’s more of a time investment, but if you liked Partials I think you’ll find it well worth it. I was really, seriously impressed with it – BUT I can see where some people will probably not give it much of a chance because it is really long. It’s a great book for it’s genre, though. Hoping you love it.

Hello! Lemme know what you think :)