Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature from The Broke and The Bookish.

Hello, there! It’s Holy Tuesday here in Manila. 🙂 So before I fast from blogging, lemme share with you these books that plagued me (they still do) waaay after I finished them. =)


angelfallunwindqueen of attoliaender's game.tiger lily





  1. Angelfall by Susan Ee. [The only YA angel book worth reading, aside from Unearthly.]
  2. Unwind by Neal Shusterman. [Awesome, awesome dystopia.]
  3. The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner. [One of the best love stories ever.]
  4. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. [Need I say more? A must-read for sci-fi lovers.]
  5. Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. [Beautifully written, and heartachingly sad.]
  6. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. [A must-read for contemporary lovers.]
  7. Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh. [I am in love with this series: vampires serving angels and archangels – sweet.]
  8. Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness. [I lost buckets of tears. Todd and Viola will always be one of my faves.]
  9. Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. [Lisbeth Salander – relentless, brialliant, vicious. Fantastic.]
  10. Newsflesh Series by Mira Grant. [Zombie love for Shaun and Becks. Fun, action-packed, tearjerker as well.]

jellicoe roadangels' bloodknife of never letting gothe girl with the dragon tattoofeed







The last four items has gotta be series. And I love every single one of the installments!

What’s on your list? Link me up! 😀

25 thoughts on “Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

  1. #8. TOTALLY AGREE! 🙂
    #9. I still have to read this trilogy. I’ve watched the movie on the first book, though, and Lisbeth strikes me as a very intriguing character.
    #10. Curious about this, even if I’m not a big fan of zombies. 🙂

  2. I have MWT on my list too.I agree on QoA, the love story is so unexpected and awesome. And yes to Todd and Viola as well!

    I have only read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Lisbeth is bad-ass. I must get back to this series sometime. 🙂

    Like Lynai, I am curious about #10 for the longest time. And Jellicoe, and Ender’s, and Tiger Lily, and Unwind. 🙂

      • Sure, Lynai! Just give me a heads up, whenever you’re ready, so I can go dig for my copy or get hold of a new one. 🙂

        Oh, must read Ender’s before November then. My sister said it’s awesome. Have you read the rest in the series? Or just the first book?

  3. I just bought the second Guild Hunter book! I love this series – I think it’s fantastic how different Nalini’s style is between the Psy-Changling series and this one.

    So many on this list that are on my to-read list but I just haven’t gotten around to yet. I’m going to fix that! Great list!

  4. I always love to see Melina Marchetta on lists! She’s not at all well known in North America, which I think is such a shame. And I think that Larsson’s Millenium Trilogy is the very best of modern crime fiction. So chilling.

    Great list!

    My TTT is here!

  5. Totally agree with Angelfall – that was one of the first “angel books” I read and it set the bar WAY too high, lol. And I’ve heard such great things about The Queen of Attolia; I read The Thief but then other books got in the way – need to finish that series!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT 🙂

  6. Heck yes! Chaos Walking series is one of my all time favs (and is on my TTT list as well). And I just found Feed on someone else’s TTT list and I’m really excited about it. I’ve been wanting to read a zombie book lately. Perfect!
    Great list 🙂

  7. I’ve heard so much love for Angelfall, but I am yet to get to it! Which is annoying, because I went through a brief angel phase last year, and I completely agree with you that there are almost no angel books worth reading.

Hello! Lemme know what you think :)