Top Ten Bookish Confessions

Hey, it’s my first time to join this feature!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature from The Book and The Bookish.

This week’s Top Ten: Confession from every bookaholic out there. πŸ™‚ Here we go!

  1. 2nd half of last year, my average monthly spend on books is PhP5,000 (roughly US$100++).
  2. Books over Anything. Ask any of my officemates. There’s a bunch of times nows that I have no money left for transpo going home, save an MRT card (train prepaid card). So i borrow money from them so I can get home. Ha!
  3. I literally stalked our local bookstores to see whether they shelved 50 Shades of Grey under the Teen Section. I saw it. Twice. I posted on that local bookstore’s FB page to remove them. weeks later, they are re-shelved.
  4. This happened to me 3 times. I bought the 1st book on the series, brought it home, read it overnight, then bought the next book the next day. Again, i read it overnight, then bought the next installment. until I reach the last book. First time is with the Twilight Saga (yeah, don’t ask), then Percy Jackson series, then The Mortal Instruments series (books 1-3).
  5. I buy books then stash them in the office. Come Friday, i bring it home. When hubby asks, i always tell him i all bought the books on sale. πŸ™‚
  6. I read Colliers Encyclopedia volumes 1-24 when i was young. I favored reading about the different countries and their capitals.
  7. I always, always finish a book no matter how worse it is.
  8. I used toΒ not cover my hardbound books. Thanks to Tina, I now put a plastic cover to all of them.
  9. IΒ love Erotica reads, though i haven’t read as much as i want (blame it on YA). Pleasure in words? So sexy!
  10. I rarely post something personal here in my blog. They say whatever you share in the net, it’s out there forever. Yeah, i’m paranoid like that.

18 thoughts on “Top Ten Bookish Confessions

  1. I love that you got 50 Shades reshelved! Good job there!! πŸ™‚ That really, really makes me happy actually. I haven’t read it personally, but I know just from what I hear about it that it’s certainly not a teen book! Especially if it’s shelved there, that implies good for younger teens too. No way!
    Love your confessions! Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  2. How would ANYONE think 50 shades is a YA book? Man… Where I live that would cause picketing, uproars, etc. I also read series like that… the first time (yes, first time) I read Twilight I finished it about 11:00 at night and had to tell myself that no, I couldn’t go to the book store to buy New Moon! Glad I’m not the only one who does that! πŸ™‚

    • oh, thank goodness you had the same experience! it even came to a point that i wait for the mall to open at 10am just so i can buy the next book ASAP. haha! Thank you, Candice πŸ™‚

  3. Great confessions! I read the Twilight saga back to back as well, and how surprising that you’ve seen 50 shades shelved with YA! I feel book buying shame too sometimes like your #5- it’s easier to hide when they’re e-books πŸ™‚
    I can totally relate to #7 too. I have to finish what I started.
    Glad to see you joined TTT!

  4. I think I spend 2k each month over books… and that’s just online. Yay! I’m not alone. :))

    At first glance of the cover of 50 Shades, I kind of thought it was a YA book too (like the girl from the book discussion we went to) and the fact that most of the YA blogs that I follow (yes, that includes you) are reading it, so I hold you responsible for the misconception! lol Just Kidding.

    I did the same thing with Twilight too. Is it weird that I’m suddenly ashamed over gushing over it? I guess I really did outgrow that series. Hahaha!

  5. I totally agree with books over anything and everything. I’m constantly having to attempt to restrain myself from buying them instead of things that I supposedly need more. I want to spend all my money on getting the most awesome new, and old, reads available.

    • yeah! whether old or new books, as long as it’s on my TBR list, i buy it. my dad says i can’t eat my books. thank goodness for that! Else, i’ll be to gorged up to even go to work. LOL thanks Ash!

  6. Love your confessions. I actually don’t want to work out how much I spend on books! And I agree on the whole finishing books thing – I HAVE to finish!!
    Laura πŸ™‚ xx

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