June 2014 Wrap Up

You want to know why I haven’t posted anything for four weeks?

Two words.



There’s no stopping because it was impossible. I just need to keep reading. Kind of like when I read Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series last year. I had no social life for two weeks back then, so now with Kate Daniels, it was for a month!

I breezed through books 1-5. I also went through Curran’s POV collection (I think there was 5-7 e-novellas). There’s also 2 other e-novellas that I read, Magic Mourns and Magic Dreams. I was so out of there, in magic-filled Atlanta!

So yeah. It was not about me being lazy to blog, I just did not bother to even think of reviewing my finished books. There’s only reading, and reading for me. Ah, Curran. =)

I am on page 50-ish in Gone by Michael Grant. I think I need to sit that one down for one hour or two, so I can finish it. And soon.

Kate Daniels is one badass chick! Have you tried this Urban Fantasy series?